



KICK: 1632.

  Year Month Title Country City Weight category / Year
1. 2020 11 8th Open European Clubs Championships 2020 CROATIA Zagreb, CRO Juniors (F) +68
2. 2020 11 8th Open European Clubs Championships 2020 CROATIA Zagreb, CRO Y. Seniors (F) +73
3. 2019 12 Jastreb Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje - Festival Taekwondoa CROATIA Zagreb, Croatia Intelikick (Ž) - Juniorke
4. 2019 6 Našice Open 2019. CROATIA Našice, Hrvatska Juniorke +68
5. 2018 10 Pantera Open 2018. - OTVORENO PRVENSTVO HRVATSKE U KICK-u CROATIA Zagreb, Croatia Juniorke +68
6. 2018 5 Karlovac Open 2018. - 6. World Hallelujah Cup CROATIA Karlovac, Croatia Juniors A (female) +68
7. 2017 12 15. adidas Maksimir Kup CROATIA Zagreb, Croatia Cadets B (female) +59
8. 2017 11 19. Jastreb Open - Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje CROATIA Zagreb Cadets (female) +59
9. 2016 11 18. Jastreb Open - Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje CROATIA Zagreb, Croatia Cadets (female) +59
10. 2016 10 Pantera Open 2016 CROATIA Zagreb, Croatia Kadetkinje +59

1 1 2020 8th Open European Clubs Championships 2020 Y. Seniors (F) +73
3 3 2019 Jastreb Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje - Festival Taekwondoa Intelikick (Ž) - Juniorke
1 1 2019 Našice Open 2019. Juniors (female) +68
1 1 2018 Pantera Open 2018. - OTVORENO PRVENSTVO HRVATSKE U KICK-u Juniors (female) +68
3 3 2018 Karlovac Open 2018. - 6. World Hallelujah Cup Juniors A (female) +68
1 1 2017 15. adidas Maksimir Cup Cadets B (female) +59
3 3 2017 19. Jastreb Open - Cup of The Ambassador of The Republic of Korea Cadets (female) +59

8th Open European Clubs Championships 2020, Juniors (F) +68,

8th Open European Clubs Championships 2020, Y. Seniors (F) +73,

Jastreb Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje - Festival Taekwondoa, Intelikick (Ž) - Juniorke,

Našice Open 2019., Juniors (female) +68,

Pantera Open 2018. - OTVORENO PRVENSTVO HRVATSKE U KICK-u, Juniors (female) +68,

Karlovac Open 2018. - 6. World Hallelujah Cup, Juniors A (female) +68,

15. adidas Maksimir Kup, Cadets B (female) +59,

19. Jastreb Open - Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje, Cadets (female) +59,

18. Jastreb Open - Kup Veleposlanika Republike Koreje, Cadets (female) +59,

Pantera Open 2016, Kadetkinje +59,